Thank you all for appearing before us today.
As I read through the material, I just wanted to acknowledge that you have had some significant challenges, and I'm glad to hear you're slowly working your way through them as well.
I'd like to focus on two areas. One is the need for fair and consistent policy and procedures. I also note that, as was brought up by my colleague across the bench, we need better data for exit controls. We also talked about better monitoring of individuals who are released, better resource allocation, more effective information management, and consideration to costs and risks.
Specifically, you've had some challenges with lack of procedures and lack of controls, the lack of clear roles in accountabilities between CIC and Border Services, and the lack of consistency in decision-making with respect to the detentions. So there has been a lot of latitude in decision-making on detaining persons who pose a risk. How do we know whether those policies are being applied fairly and consistently across Canada? Is there an effort to put more procedures and policies in place? I acknowledge you've said there has been.
Have the decisions been based on experience, or on risk assessment, or sometimes just on capacity and limitations? What about this monitoring framework that's been discussed? Is it in place, and do we have quality assurance checks?