The next theme is on risk to the public. We've talked a little bit--Dave Christopherson already spoke briefly on cash bonds--and I just wanted you to reiterate quickly on our concern about whether these people could pose a risk when released back into the general population. How are these individuals tracked and monitored while they are waiting for status?
Another related theme on risk to the public that's of specific interest to people in my community is the failed refugee claimants, if you want to address that. PSAT funding was received in the greater Toronto area, and 8,200 people had been deported--and in Quebec as well, but it sounds as if Quebec is no longer operating the program. I just wanted assurances that it's still operating in the GTA. Where else might it be across Canada, and who monitors and controls these failed refugee claimants? What happens to them? Do they just get absorbed into the general population? Do we ever find out where they are, and do they ever get deported?
Thank you.