—that we have a need to have checks and balances. That is well understood. I think so. And yet, with all respect, you were voicing concerns about the transfers, whether they are dedicated in various forms, whether they're for health or education, and whether they are accountable. Yet just this afternoon, the combined opposition voted in favour of a massive infrastructure stimulus that would go directly to the municipalities—they would bypass the provinces, no strings attached whatsoever, no level of accountability back to the federal government. Personally, I find this just a little bit of political machination rather than good public policy. But I just throw that back on the record.
My question to the Auditor General is this. Without trying to put the Auditor General in a position where she would not, obviously, discuss policy and/or direction—which I fully understand, Madam Fraser—do you have any capacity or licence or possibility of going directly to the municipalities to audit how they spend those funds once they get there?