Thank you. The time has wrapped up and I have to leave, as you do. I appreciate this.
You just talked, Mr. Wright, about a continuum of financial arrangements that work with the provinces, and the provinces sign a trust, sign an agreement, saying that these moneys coming over to them will be used with the intent and for the purpose for which they were given to them.
The trust funds have a bit of ambiguity in the word. When I hear “trust”, I tend to think that trusts are actually the most reliable, the most honest, the best types of funds to have, rather than transfers that you can put more conditions on if you choose. So I'm wondering, if we were to designate trust funds...we leave a bad perception sometimes, I think, with our constituents not knowing actually what we're talking about.
I know this is a study, and I know it doesn't come with recommendations, but I'm not so sure that I wouldn't like you to actually give us some thoughts and directions about how we can actually improve the accountability. The Accountability Act was mentioned earlier. This government is about trying to improve—not that it was bad—and always working to make things more accountable and more transparent--the purpose of the act. And so again, perhaps I could have, at a later time if that is permissible, some thoughts.
I'm going to go to another one, and then I'll ask you to comment.
Health transfers. At a time when we have an incredible situation in my riding where they're closing hospitals down, we have increased funding locally plus the equalization that is going to the provinces. Help me understand. Should we be looking for some accountability through the equalization payments that go out so that we can actually do some tracking on it? Especially at this time when we're losing our health care system within our province...I'm only talking about Ontario particularly. Our small rural hospitals are being attacked and they are shutting down.
So for moneys that are transferred through the health transfer, I can almost assure if you took those dollars and matched them with the provinces, they don't match.