There's $60 billion a year in transfers to the provinces on areas of common priority and shared responsibility, and there's a continuum of accountability and conditionality. In some areas, such as on our current infrastructure, the extra $4 billion, we want to make sure it's incremental or it's not going to flow. Similarly, there are some quite considerable conditionalities on the labour market agreements. You get into CHT/CST and there are some conditions, but on a few select policy issues that really aren't comprehensive in terms of value for money. There's no conditionality, and in fact I would put trusts in between that and equalization and territorial transfers where there's absolutely no conditionality; it's for general purposes.
There is some limited conditionality that enhances, yes, accountability through the public process and the interested parties involved. It's less than the directive on, say, some areas where you know you must achieve a specific objective. You have to choose areas where you have common priorities and where it's important. Frankly, it's not a zero-sum game. If you wish to attach conditionalities in some of these areas, you may not get the level of funding you might otherwise see from the federal government. That's a reality, so that's a trade-off government makes. Again, it's a continuum; it's not one-size-fits-all. They all do spur innovation. Again, we have to ensure the government is making informed choices on that area, and I can assure you we do.