Thank you, Chair.
I want to continue on the notion of conditions, and I accept totally, Madam Fraser, your position that the decision of whether there should be conditions is a political one and politicians will be held to account through our public process. But here's what throws me off.
There's a notional understanding that having these operating principles is a good thing because they start to explain what it's for. So to me, once you walk through that door you've made the commitment that you're looking for some kind of accountability, otherwise you wouldn't have made even an operating principle. You would have just left it wide open and said you're fine with it being very loose, much like with the health transfer--you understand there are wide parameters, that's the way you want to do it, you mean it to be that way. But once you start talking about operating principles, it suggests notionally that you're looking to put some constraint. Since they're not legally binding, and all that happens after they're in place is that the provinces make a similar announcement that is consistent with the operating principles, but with no detailed follow-up, nothing attached to it....
What I'm curious about is that supposedly there's an assumption--I believe that's your word, Madam Fraser--that the people of the province or territory would hold them accountable. But without something legally binding, what good does it do? How much of it is being achieved? And I am separating those that you want to be flexible from ones that you're beginning to do something on, even if you don't put any real clamps on it.
Just help me understand how this “assumption” might work if there's nothing binding being passed down to the citizenry of that province or territory.