Well, if I may, again, I'm speaking from a public health perspective, in terms of having managed outbreaks for 25-plus years, of having worked across jurisdictions for that amount of time. These are important issues that we are addressing, but they are process issues. I can have legislation that compels provinces to give me information. If they don't give me information, I still don't have it.
Because the legal wording, etc., is really important and the provinces care a lot about that, we've focused on making sure that they're comfortable with any agreements. Those take time. But in the meantime, we've built the relationships so that chief medical officers phone me up and say, “I'm worried about this”. We have systems in place; we monitor things all the time. So from a public health standpoint, they're important to do, but they're not the most essential things to do. It is not make or break for the ability of the people—