To the extent that it's recognized, yes. No surveillance system will deal with that issue. As a for instance, the difference between Vancouver and Toronto with SARS was that a woman arrived from Asia, came to Toronto, and died at home, and nobody knew what was going on. Her children then took it to hospital. They had no travel history, whereas in Vancouver there was a clear travel history.
We absolutely agree--and again, I wanted to make this very clear--with the importance of these. That's why we're working very hard to make sure we get them in place, but in the meantime, in terms of the question of whether it's the paper that reassures Canadians or the experience, the commitment, and the collaboration, I think it is both. We need both and we've been addressing both, but in terms of many of those issues, we're much better off. We will still get surprises. The sooner we find them, the better.