A couple of things.
For the Public Health Network, which is joint federal-provincial, that's all laid out in documents, actually, in terms of the role of the network, the kinds of committees, the way we process things, how we make decisions, who's in charge.
In addition, we have various memoranda around healthy living and others with provinces, because we co-share. For example, in Quebec, we jointly agree on projects that we'll fund. It's the same with other jurisdictions. So they're quite varied and across the system in different areas.
Basically, one of the things we did when we set up the agency was recognize the core role of provinces and territories. What is our federal value added to the system? And it's in expertise, it's in coordination, it's in best practices, so not everybody has to figure everything out on their own. We bring specialized capacities to that, and we work to ensure that the system, as a whole, is as effective as it can be and that we're in a position to identify where there are gaps, for example.