I have another question concerning chapter 2, which is about human resources. I have a comment and a concern to express about what is written at pages 18 and 19. You say that Parliament needs information to allow it to play its oversight role and review the law in terms of human resources. At page 18, you recommend that there be reporting. We have noticed that Treasury Board has been slow in producing its annual reports. We know that all departments submit an annual report to Parliament about human resources issues. But Treasury Board is slow in doing it.
The recommendation made to Treasury Board is to inform Parliament with greater speed. Treasury Board accepts the recommendation and will act on it, and I quote part of its response, that will do it by "providing more timely information". First, it worries me quite a bit when they talk about "more timely", when it comes to speed. Second, it says at page 17 that there is a problem with measurement indicators. It is all very well to have reports, but if there are no indicators that allow us to evaluate expectations or objectives, that seems problematic to me. Unless I am not understanding this whole thing, that is the aspect that concerns me.
So Treasury Board is prepared to provide us with speedier annual reports, but in a "more timely" manner. I would like to get an idea of what that means in terms of timelines. As well, does it call for a recommendation that specifies that there be clear indicators so the objectives can be evaluated?