Thank you, Chair.
Thank you for being here today.
Two key principles of the Canada Health Act are portability and accessibility, and the eHealth system is designed to address those and implement those. Of course, the goal is to make the records available anywhere, at any time, so if a Canadian travelling from Ontario to the west is skiing and has an accident, they can get their health care, and their health care records would be readily available. That's the dream. But we've had a huge problem in Ontario when it abandoned its own rules for procurement and hired consultants. We were hiring consultants and hundreds of millions of dollars were wasted, and then the director, who is a very good gentleman, decided to let somebody else take over in August. Dr. Alan Hudson is no longer there. So it's leaderless; it's a rudderless ship right now.
But I understand that from the federal government viewpoint, Infoway is to set national priorities, national direction, and national standards, so I wanted to get your view on how well Infoway has done with regard to its leadership and coordination role.