Thanks, Mr. Chair.
I so fundamentally disagree with my Conservative colleagues. The fact is that the ruling was very clear on the principle of whether or not Parliament is paramount in being able to demand papers, documents, and persons. He was very clear.
We already held off waiting for that. The suggestion that we need to wait to see if this changes--it's not going to change. He affirmed the fundamental principle. The reason there are two weeks is that we have an issue with the Prime Minister, who is not necessarily of the same mind at this point. The two weeks are to try to avoid a constitutional crisis on the instant case, but on the issue, if you were in the House or if you read the ruling, it's very clear. The fundamental, paramount right of the House of Commons and its committees to demand those papers and persons is affirmed, period, full stop.
The situation where we have a lawyer coming in from one of our departments and telling us we can't have a document because our rights are superseded by the privacy laws is not accurate. This letter is to tell those lawyers not to dare to come in here again and try to give us any reason why they're not tabling documents that we've ordered to be produced. If there are national security items, privacy concerns, in the instant case, we make accommodations, as we did. We met in camera and reviewed some of this. At no time did we suspend our right to have that document provided in its fullest form just because we decided to take a look at it and make a determination on what we wanted to allow to be made public, having concern for others' rights or whatever, in the instant case, in front of us in the House. It's national security.
All that is secondary to the issue. I don't need to wait. I'm concerned that if this committee votes to wait, then the majority of this committee didn't get what the Speaker said. The Speaker said clearly that Parliament's powers and rights are paramount. All this does is to let the departments and the deputies and the accounting officers know that if you roll in here with some lawyer, trying to tell us there's any reason why we can't have documents, there's going to be hell to pay.
I forgot we're in public. I apologize for the language.
If you remember when we had Mr. Walsh at the end of the table--my description is probably a little over the top--I thought he was going to come over the table at that lawyer. He was so upset that she would dare to say there was any legislation or any statute, anything, that was of a higher priority than Parliament's rights.
This letter, in my opinion, is dead accurate, and it goes now.
Waiting two might as well wait two months. There's no more relevance to that two weeks than there is to two months. The fundamental principle was reaffirmed.
Mr. Chair, please don't take out the referral to April 27. That's a red letter day in the life of Parliament, and I'd like to see it pushed forward.
Anyway, there we go.