Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning.
Good morning. Thank you for this opportunity to speak about the evaluation function in the Government of Canada. As you mentioned, I'm here with my colleague Mr. Alister Smith, Assistant Secretary of the Expenditure Management Sector. Mr. Smith is responsible for my department's Centre of Excellence for Evaluation. This centre is responsible for evaluation policies and works very closely with the government evaluator community.
As Ms. Fraser mentioned, evaluation is a longstanding management tool that is vital to the sound management of public spending. It involves the systematic collection and analysis of evidence on the outcomes of programs. This invaluable information is used to make judgments about the relevance, performance and value for money of programs. It is also used to examine alternative ways to deliver programs or achieve the same results.
Finally, it supports policy and program improvement, expenditure management, cabinet decision-making, and public reporting to Parliament and Canadians.
Given the increasingly important role evaluation plays in support of program effectiveness and expenditure management, we are in full agreement with the recommendations contained in the Auditor General's report. They mirror in large part what the Treasury Board Secretariat has learned through extensive consultations and monitoring activities. And they are reflected in and addressed by the actions we have taken as part of the implementation of the new policy on evaluation that was issued in April 2009. Unfortunately, the scope and timing of the Auditor General's report did not allow for recognition of these improvements, as it focused on the period up to the introduction of the new policy.
Our action plan, in response to the Auditor General's report, which we provided to the committee, outlines what the secretariat has undertaken and delivered since the report's publication and what we will continue to do. Allow me to highlight some of our actions.
One of the Auditor General's concerns was that evaluations were not adequately assessing effectiveness, and that they lacked performance information. This concern has now been addressed under the new policy, which sets a clear standard for evaluation quality, as well as responsibilities for performance measurement. It also requires that all evaluations examine program effectiveness.
The new policy also requires each departmental head of evaluation to prepare an annual report to their deputy head on the state of performance measurement in their organization. This report will assist the deputy head in ensuring that the key data needs of program evaluations are met.
Finally, the policy has also expanded the evaluation coverage requirements to cover all direct program spending over a five-year cycle, after an initial transition period.
The Auditor General also recommended that the Treasury Board Secretariat should do more to monitor and support departments to help them identify priorities for improvement. This is addressed under the new policy that calls on the Treasury Board Secretariat to provide functional leadership for evaluation across the government. This includes regular monitoring and annual reporting to Treasury Board on the health of the evaluation function. Our first report will be issued before the end of 2010-11.
Much of our monitoring and support work is carried out through the annual management accountability framework assessment process, which assesses evaluation quality, neutrality, coverage, and use. It is also carried out through the advice and guidance we provide to departments on performance measurement frameworks, which are required under the management, resources, and results structure policy.
The secretariat has also allocated resources to our centre of excellence for evaluation to strengthen the evaluation expertise we provide to departments.
We appreciate that the new policy represents some important changes for departments—as the Auditor General noted by calling on the secretariat to help departments prepare to implement the new coverage requirements. This is why there will be a four-year phase-in period before departments are required to meet the comprehensive coverage requirement in their five-year evaluation plans, beginning with the 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 planning period.
I will turn now to the support we have provided to departments during the transition period, largely through the secretariat's centre of excellence for evaluation. For example, in November 2009 we issued a draft guide to developing departmental evaluation plans, which will be finalized and issued this summer. This provides guidance to departments with regard to evaluation timing, coverage, prioritization, and instruments.
We also issued, in November 2009, a draft guide to developing performance measurement strategies to support heads of evaluation in assessing the department's performance measures. This too will be finalized this fall, after integrating feedback and recommendations from departments.
We also set up, in June 2009, the evaluation community of practice with a website for exchanges of best practices. And we have held regular meetings to guide the capacity development of the evaluation community.
In addition, we provided preliminary guidance to departments on the possible merits of including external experts on departmental evaluation committees. The final document will be integrated this fall in a guide on the evaluation function, which will set out the expectations of the secretariat in relation to the evaluation policy and directive.
We recently led a post-secondary recruitment initiative for graduates with evaluation-related backgrounds. This led to the establishment of two pools of pre-qualified evaluators at the entry and intermediate levels. We also continue to work with universities and the Canada School of Public Service to promote and develop the types of evaluation skills and knowledge we need.
All these improvements have addressed the Auditor General's concerns over the quality, capacity and program coverage of the evaluation function in the government.
In sum, even though much remains to be done and even though we have attempted many times to improve the evaluation function within the federal government, I am of the opinion that with the new policy on evaluation, the guidelines and guides, and especially through our interactions with the deputy ministers and evaluators, we are laying the foundation for building a stronger, more competent and productive evaluation function in the Government of Canada in order to ensure better expenditure management.
Thank you.