A lot of my comments would be about transport policy and would be addressed to the government and the minister.
When you read this report, you get no sense of perspective, no objectives, and no horizon, and that's certainly because government doesn't have any or it hasn't clarified them to the deputy minister. We don't have the sense that we need to de-carbonize this economy and what will be the consideration given by Transport to that. There are some programs about it, but no perspective.
According to the chief economist of the International Energy Agency, peak oil may happen in 2015. What will we do about it in Canada?
What is our strategy for urban sprawl?
What is our strategy for public transportation?
There's no way to know this from this report.
So what I may do is not so much ask questions, because we don't have time in my six minutes, but substantiate the frustration I feel when I read this report. I appreciate that the deputy minister has said that it's a “work-in-progress”, so I cannot imagine the other reports from the years before. I will comment only on this one. I will tell you why I find it very difficult to work with despite the fact that I think I have some experience in reading reports. I will substantiate my comments.
I will do it in French because I read it in French, so as not to take any chances.
I will give some examples. To me, this report is somewhere between a performance report and a classic report, which describes programs without any connection between them: these are our programs, these are our activities. The report sets out quantifiable objectives. But it is up to the reader to try to determine how those objectives relate to the programs.
As far as the quantifiable objectives go, the methodology stinks. The report jumps from one methodology to the next, and we do not know why. The report presents certain figures, and we do not know why it gives one figure over another. We have no idea. I will give you some examples.
On page 7 in English—page 8 in French—it says that $307 million of a $507-million budget was not spent. It says that $204 million plus $45 million was not spent on gateways. Why was it not spent? Perhaps I misread the report. I read it twice and found no explanation. That is a pretty important piece of information, and there is no way to get it.
On page 9, it says that the government, the department, has Sustainable Development Strategy targets. One of the indicators is the percentage of the target achieved. So I look. I go to page 29, in English, and read what it says. Under the heading Performance Measurement, it says:
Sustainable Development Strategy: Most of the targets were met or are on track, as provided in the “Horizontal Initiatives” table on Treasury Board Secretariat's website.
Forgive me, but I would not go and check the Treasury Board Web site. I would think that meeting its sustainable development targets would be important enough to the Department of Transport to include that information in its report and to explain which targets were and were not met, and why.
On page 22, under the heading Performance Measurement, the report mentions productivity gains. I do not know what productivity gain means in relation to transport. The report gives minor changes in tenth-of-one-percent increments from one year to the next. Unless I misread the report, there is nothing explaining what a performance measure is, what the long-term objectives of the government are, where Canada is headed in terms of these performance measures and transportation, whether it is a good or bad thing, these minor changes. I have no clue.
On page 26, under Performance Measurement, the report gives some safety data. The news appears to be good: most of the indicators seem to show that there are fewer accidents in Canada. That being said, the data are presented for periods of time, sometimes one year, sometimes five, sometimes ten; we have no idea why.
The reader could think that you chose to present the numbers that paint a rosy picture. That may not be the case, but it looks that way. If you do not want to be accused of that kind of thing, you should set out a very clear methodology that shows where Canada is headed as far as the safety of its citizens and transportation are concerned.
On page 28, it talks about a voluntary agreement that was reached with the automobile industry to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. For information on that initiative, the reader has to consult Natural Resources Canada's Web site. You say that you helped NRCan develop a memorandum of understanding. I clearly recall that, under the agreement, you were supposed to tell Canadians how the industry was doing every year in terms of meeting the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5.3 megatonnes. The industry was told that if it did not stay on track to meet that target, regulations would be imposed, that the agreement was voluntary only if the industry respected it.
How can we make regulations if we do not know where we stand each year? I will not consult the Web site of Natural Resources Canada. I would think that meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets was important enough to the Department of Transport to include that information in its own reports.
I have just 30 seconds left.
On page 29, the report sets out pollution reduction targets. Again, it appears to be good news. What does “183 marine pollution incidents were detected” mean? What is the outlook over time? How are we doing in terms of marine pollution? That is an important piece of information, in light of what happened in the Gulf of Mexico.
The same goes for contaminated sites: 242 of 526 have been improved. What is the Canadian government's outlook regarding contaminated sites? Where do things stand? Where are we headed? Will there eventually be no contaminated sites? We do not know. There is no way to tell from your report.
My point is that it's not workable for me. I don't know if it's workable for you. We have no perspective, no orientation, and no strict methodology, and I have some doubt that it would be helpful; it seems that it has been done because the Auditor General is asking you to do it.
Maybe I'm too severe; I hope so. But let me tell you, it's a “work-in-progress”, and there is a lot of progress to make, according to my reading of this report.