Transparency goes a long way. Shining a spotlight on something goes a long way. There's a report that was initially announced when we did the S and T strategy: that we would task a third party, which we have, called the Science, Technology and Innovation Council, to do a biannual state of the nation report on S and T, on where are we at, not just the federal government, but where are we at as a country. They produced the first one last one last year and are now working on number two.
The Science, Technology and Innovation Council is made up of a group of some researchers, some university presidents, and some CEOs of companies, and they bring together quite a good grouping of Canadians. They permit us, if you wish, as a country, to benchmark. Those inputs that we are talking about today go a long way toward tracking what overall progress is being made as a country.
The Auditor General's report on, first, the management, and then the effectiveness of some of the measures in the economic action plan, such as the knowledge infrastructure program, will also go a long way. I'm a full believer in transparency and sharing information. This is one element.
The estimates in the committee I was at this morning at eight o'clock with Minister Clement is another one. If I go back, sir, over the previous 10, 20, or 30 years, there has been a marked increase in the number of times officials appear in front of the various parliamentary committees, this one being one of them. I think that is all for the good, because the more we can explain what we do and show some transparency by answering your questions, I think it will help.