There are 90 and they're all likely to be somewhat different, so that's 90 different worlds that you have to go into and put your head around, whereas the whole point of the idea is to be able to pick it up as a fast reference and get a snapshot of where the department is.
Maybe that's something we can deliberate on later in regard to making that recommendation. I think that's a major weakness here. Again, not that anybody would, but when you get to create your own, you can take the reader on whatever little walk you want, notwithstanding that you have to touch on certain points from within your handbook. I get that. Anyway, we'll deal with that later, too.
My first question relates to page 12 in terms of security and page 10 in terms of risk analysis.
However, before I do that, I do have to do one more thing. What the heck is “mostly met”? Is that like “pretty much, kinda, sorta” and “it depends how you look at it”? What the heck is “mostly met”, given that precision is one of the goals here?