In terms of the gateways and borders initiatives, there are two sets of gateway funding. One of them was specific gateway funding. That was the initial funding on gateways.
The concept of gateways is simple. You basically connect your transportation infrastructures so that you can get goods to the market and improve the trade situation of Canada.
The other gateway funding was for the Atlantic gateway and what we call the “continental”, which is the Quebec-Ontario corridor. A number of things are being done there.
One of the most important initiatives for the gateway is the Detroit-Windsor bridge and the rail tunnel. Not only does this have a big impact on the economy of Ontario, but it has a huge impact on the economy of Quebec. In terms of real trade routes for the Port of Montreal, if you ask them where their needs are, it is in the Detroit-Windsor crossing, because that's where the majority of the trade goes through.
Now, this is a report from 2008. Things have happened since then. One of the big things we have done is that the Government of Ontario and the federal government have put out the environmental assessments for a second bridge crossing at Detroit-Windsor. The federal government also put in money from the gateways fund to support the connection from Highway 401 to the plaza of the new bridge. So a major portion of the gateway funding is there.
As part of the continental gateway, under the infrastructure stimulus fund and the Building Canada Fund, we used the opportunity of all the work that has been done by the gateway players in Quebec and Ontario. They gave ideas and we actually funded those, so I'd be happy to give you full details of where the money has been spent for the continental gateway. We put money into the ports, for example.
There's a whole report on that, which I'd be happy to provide. But it's very important to know that the Quebec and Ontario corridor is ending at Windsor-Detroit as the main crossing.