I think I understand your question, sir.
In our country programs, in our bilateral programs, we look first and foremost at what that country has identified as its priorities and where it is looking for assistance in allowing it to deliver on its objectives. This goes back to the principle of ownership I mentioned earlier. We have of course chosen these countries on the basis of their need and where we think we can make a difference because of the quality of their governance.
Then we look at where Canada's comparative advantage is, where we have strengths, where they need us, and what other donors are doing. Then we align around that. Within that we figure out how best to deliver on our objectives and who best to work with. Sometimes that will be with an international organization like WHO in terms of polio eradication; sometimes it may be with a Canadian non-governmental organization that is present on the ground and is best placed. But it's all based upon what we're trying to achieve and how best to achieve the results we've set out for ourselves.
I hope that answers your question.