As you indicate, CIDA has three channels to deliver its assistance, all in aid of helping us achieve our mandate, which is poverty reduction. Our country programs are in individual countries, and there, as I said, we are aligned with the plans of those countries. On our multilateral investments, of which we have just undertaken a complete review, we work through international organizations to achieve poverty reduction objectives. That extends our reach in terms of the number of countries and people we can get to, and oftentimes they are better positioned to deliver on results. For example, in fragile states quite often that's the best way to work. In our partnership programs, we focus on our work with Canadian partners. That is both aligning with our priorities but also responding to what they can bring to the equation--their skills, their expertise, and their initiative.
In our country plans, we look to try, across these three channels, to ensure that we're maximizing the effect, particularly in terms of our country programs and our multilateral programs. Our partnership programs also have to respond to the initiative and the objectives of the partners themselves, our Canadian partners. So we are cognizant of what they're doing in country. We try to link them up and join them up and create synergies as much as possible, and they are captured inside of our country program frameworks that I indicated we have completed.