Yes, I am.
Just further to your comments, I think there was criticism of CIDA in the past. The Auditor General made the comment, but the OECD did a peer review in 2007 of CIDA and it said CIDA was spread too thin, as you indicated. Now we have a much greater degree of focus within the agency and down into our programming. So I think those corrective measures have been taken. I wouldn't take from that, though, that everything CIDA did in the past was necessarily a failure. I just think we can have much stronger results if we are able to really zero in on where we can add the greatest value.
So I think we now have clarity on what it is we're going to focus on, where we're going to focus. We are working on much speedier, streamlined business processes so that we can be more responsive on the ground. We are also taking action, beginning this summer, to move more of our staff into the field, so that we can again be more effective on the ground. I do believe that all the major steps that one would hope for an agency like CIDA, as indicated by the OECD and again confirmed by the Auditor General, are now in place. We just have to follow through on them, sir.