Thank you for the question, Madame.
I believe those are problems that will be overcome. I have to say that our priority is to get those standards working at local and regional and jurisdictional levels. It's really important, as the people move around from their GP to hospitals to clinics to pharmacies, that we can get that interoperability. Our priority is to make sure the vendors who sell their products across Canada implement those standards in a very consistent way and to incent them to do so.
Clearly, when we come to pan-Canadian compatibility, there will have to be translation between some of the standards. There are systems that have been there for quite a while that don't have some of the new standards, and we don't have enough money to throw those systems out and start again. But at the stage when those systems come up for a life cycle change, we will get the new standard in. Until then, we will have a translation engine that translates between the old standard and the new standard.