I think on the question of compatibility, the committee has to realize that many of these systems had begun or were in place in certain jurisdictions even before Infoway came into being. I think the province of P.E.I. has one that's fairly complete, so those systems would have been introduced before the blueprint was established. So there are questions around how they will take existing systems and modify them or make a link or do this translation that Mr. Alvarez has talked about to ensure compatibility with the rest of the country.
So those are some of the challenges. I think the newer systems that have come in and the projects that have been introduced or have been co-financed by Infoway clearly meet the standards that have been established. But there could have been systems previous to that. As well, I guess this is one of the joys of living in Canada, but provinces do what provinces want to do, and the federal government is not going to dictate to them what to do. There has to be respect for their jurisdictions, but I think this is an issue that as auditors general we would certainly encourage the committee to continue to follow up on, to see how these challenges are being met and if the provinces are responding. This could be a discussion perhaps for a meeting of CPAC or something, where you have all the public accounts committees present. What are the other provincial public accounts committees doing as well on this issue?