The actions that we are taking, again, thanks to the new money from the federal government, will be actions to accelerate the adoption of automation at community settings in primary care, so both with physicians and with nurse practitioners.
Right now about six provinces have already moved ahead with this agenda, but the rest haven't. The provinces that have been particularly successful have set up offices between the ministry and physician associations to help doctors get computerized. We will be helping those provinces that haven't got those offices set up to do so by looking at best practices and making the best practices available. Provinces like Quebec and Newfoundland would be good examples. We will be encouraging them to sign up their doctors and nurse practitioners as soon as possible. We will be carrying half of those costs for the first two years. Again, we will be getting our funding.
We want to make sure that these systems, as they go in, are not used as doorstoppers or desk ornaments but that they are used in a meaningful way. So we will be putting in requirements that they have, for example, alerts and reminders in their system about contraindications around medication; adverse or negative lab results; the ability to provide reminders for chronic disease patients; the ability to receive the lab tests into their systems; and then the ability to move on to things such as e-prescribing. That's all very much part and parcel of our program.
We're also very keen about our blueprint, which Ms. Fraser mentioned several times. The blueprint is very simple. As we're building the system, we're building it around the individual, around the Canadian. We're not building it around the doctor or around the hospital. Those systems are of the past, and those have been closed systems. As patients moved around from one place to another they could never get hold of their tests, and therefore they had to repeat their medical histories. So it's very important for us now to build on all the investments we've made in the past and to make sure that these electronic medical systems in community settings are interoperable with drug databases, lab databases, and diagnostic databases so they can refresh the patient's history and get a full history of the patient.
I have just completed a tour across the country, meeting with the provinces and the territories, and the strategies and processes are being extraordinarily well received.