I just have an issue following up on that, and I think Mr. Young is quite right here, that the benefits here are tremendous for Canadian society. I believe Infoway, according to the audit, is doing a very good job. You are well managed and well governed, and you administer your contracts effectively and efficiently.
But when you look at it on a Canada-wide basis, it appears that we aren't really doing that well. We're slow off the mark when you compare us internationally with other western countries, where, as you said, we are dead last. I believe some of the records indicate that 9% of clinicians are using this, according to the 2007 numbers.
So my question is—and perhaps we'll get Dr. Dodds involved in this question—who is responsible for taking this right to the next level? Infoway is not a heavily funded organization. I think you are spending your money wisely. But we are in a country with 14 different jurisdictions, and it is complicated. It's not an easy process, and I don't think we're making the progress that other countries are making.
We're using federal money to drive change, but when you look back at the 2004 agreement signed between the provinces and the federal government, our federal government hasn't done a good job of monitoring these agreements. While this doesn't have to do with the electronic health records, but with other issues, they basically let the provinces take the money, who stated they would not comply with the agreements or give the federal government the information and they got the money anyway.
So I guess my question is a general one. Who is responsible for taking this to the next level, which is so important for Canadians? Is it the Department of Health or Infoway? Can you give us some direction?
Perhaps, Dr. Dodds, we'll hear from you first.