Thank you for the question.
I would say as a first point that Public Works and Government Services Canada is the custodian of the buildings, so we own the buildings and the grounds. We're not alone, frankly. The National Capital Commission has a role. The parliamentary partners have a role to play. It's their institution.
I think Madam Fraser, in her report, gives a very good analysis of the shared accountability, which in itself can be a challenge. It is noted in her report--and I certainly agree with this--that the department, as custodian of the buildings, works under the government system, under the executive branch, and more directly, in our case, as we carry out investments, under Treasury Board rules.
Ours is not the only department; all departments are like that. Yet the requirements set forth by the House of Commons and the Senate are theirs, and they don't follow exactly the same rules. You have your rules quite logically. I think this has been picked up over the years, as you rightly point out.
For a number of years people have noticed that there is shared accountability. It's not that no one is necessarily accountable at the end of the day; it's shared accountability, and with that come challenges.
More specifically, on the issue of governance and what we may be looking at--