Thank you, Ms. Faille.
That concludes the questions, colleagues.
There are a couple of things I want to bring up.
First of all, Monsieur Guimont, in echoing all the comments we heard today, we all found the tour very valuable, and we want to thank you and Mr. Wright for organizing it. It's too late now before the summer adjournment, but you may want to consider offering that tour again to all parliamentarians come September or October. I think it would be appreciated. I ask you to consider this, because I think it would be valuable for every member to have that opportunity. We'd certainly spread it around that they really should take the tour. And of course you'd have to schedule it so that you're not conflicting with other.... Noon hour actually might work well.
Colleagues, in the last five minutes the clerk has circulated the international peer review that was completed over the past year by auditors from Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. That report has been concluded and is now being tabled with this committee. At the same time, the response from our Office of the Auditor General I understand will be up on the website. Both documents will be on the website of the Office of the Auditor General later today, if the public is so interested.
This committee has tentatively scheduled a meeting for late September or early October with the two principals, who are both from Australia. It will be held at an off hour, probably an evening meeting, to accommodate the time in Australia so the principals can testify. We'll have a hearing not only on the peer review but also on the response from our own auditor's office.
Also, I should point out that a memo was circulated earlier today by the clerk regarding the Quebec conference, August 29 to 31. I urge all members to look at it. All members of the committee are invited and urged to attend. You can communicate with the clerk as to the travel arrangements.
Those are some brief announcements.
I'm now going to turn it over to you, Ms. Fraser, not only for your closing comments on this hearing, but you may want to comment on the international peer review, if I have omitted anything at all. Then we're going to go to Mr. Guimont.
Ms. Fraser.