Thank you.
Again, the same as everyone else, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be guided through a great tour last week.
I appreciate the response. It may seem insignificant, but let me just talk about it. It is about the crack in the library stairs.
Let me take this through. That project, if I remember, finished in 2006. That means that project is now four years old. It is indicated in here that those cracks, the deterioration of the steps going to the library, are because of poor drainage.
I'm watching the steps of the Supreme Court building being torn apart. I've not had this type of response as to the reason, but I was told when I asked over there that it is an issue around some drainage and there are repairs being done.
We've just toured the West Block in amazement at the amount of work and how it is being done. We're exposing foundations, putting in seismic rods, all of this. Yet we have a deterioration of stairs because of poor drainage on two of our major buildings.
How do we build the confidence, if we can't build the stairs, that we're actually doing the right thing for the rest of the building? As much as I don't discredit what is happening, it raises, I think, a legitimate issue, quite honestly. If the small things are not lasting, how do we have the confidence that the large things are not going to be deteriorating? Stairs that should last 40 or 50 years, we're looking at four years. Help me with that.
Secondly, this whole governance thing has come up. Mr. Guimont, in your report, on page 5, there's only one recommendation—that's good news—but it's not the first time this recommendation has come forward. It has been going on for generations. I'm trying to understand why we're just moving ahead with it now. These have been issues in terms of being able to move ahead with the governance. You've assigned a senior assistant deputy minister, and I know you haven't been here forever, but it would seem to me that it is something that is just coming forward now. There have been recommendations, from my understanding, for many years. Why just now deal with an age-old problem that has been ongoing in terms of us being able to move ahead with long-term plans, long-term financing, and long-term reconstruction and maintenance of some buildings, according to Mr. Wright? Not to discredit that, but they have fairly significant deterioration—for example, the West Block.
Those are the first two questions, please.