Thank you very much.
This was just designed to get us going for Tuesday. The issues that are there are those that the committee has dealt with in the past. If there are other issues to be raised, we'll raise them at our steering committee, on Wednesday or sometime. We'll try to work out something with the vice-chairs and other members so that we'll be ready to go on Thursday.
Is that good enough? Okay.
I'm going to thank all of you again for....
Well, we could have a time for the steering committee. We can't do it on Wednesday morning. I'll consult with members on whether we can come up with a reasonable time, whether it would be Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon, so that we can be prepared for Thursday.
Is that okay with you if I work on that general timeframe? Okay.
Daryl, after we do some discussions, we'll have a look to see whether we can, maybe by Monday, determine whether we can do it Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon.