Well, I think the vision here is that increasingly as economic development occurs in the north, the people of the north themselves benefit from that activity. The historical pattern, not entirely but probably too frequently, has been that when there's development, trained people are brought in from other places in Canada, from southern Canada, and there's no lasting employment in that particular area. There might not be the establishment of a culture of long-term employment and all of the benefits that come from that entrenched kind of economic activity.
The vision is to reverse that over time and to have jobs developed in the north by northerners when there is economic opportunity. We believe the best way to do that is to work with the organizations. The program will establish agreements with service delivery organizations and develop strategic business plans that will set out the actual training and employment needs.
In the past these have been client focused in many cases, and there's nothing wrong with that, because the training and skills development do need to occur. Increasingly, as the level of economic opportunity and activity increases, we want the programs to be demand-driven so that there's an actual connection between the nature of the activity, the skills that are required, and the provision of service to aboriginal people in the north.