Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The first two priorities, demand-driven skills development and fostering the partnerships with the private sector and with the governments in the territories, are really working out of this vision of sustainable long-term employment and the training that will enable that. We want there to be a skilled workforce in the north so that employers, as they invest and undertake development, can draw on the base of the population in the north, and not have to source their workforce from the south, frankly.
The best way to do this is to foster between the program and those who are going to be investing and undertaking the development the kinds of linkages, for example, so that long-term skills needs can be identified, depending on the type of economic activity that is going to occur. We can then come in through these training funds, working in partnership with others to provide the training capacity so that those workers will be there. Whatever form this needs to take, whether it's training or whether it's enabling the actual jobs, those two priorities really flow from that vision.
The third one, the emphasis on accountability and results, is really very much part of the modern requirement that we all live with. You, as members of the public accounts committee, focus on the Auditor General's documents, and we, as departments, endeavour to satisfy that we not only do good things with taxpayers' money but we can demonstrate that we have done worthwhile things with that money.
We want to do this in as efficient a way as possible, but part of the program will be how we set it up and deliver it. We will have these strategic business plans. We will try to avoid them being process and bureaucracy, but they have to be a joint product of the program and of the employers so that we can document what the objectives are.
Part of it is the data development and collection, and reporting out. We can then map what has actually been achieved and use intelligent indicators, sometimes using administrative data such as employment insurance claims, to be able to tell the duration of employment in a particular area, and then report that out and over time be able satisfy parliamentarians that the investments actually have made a difference in the north.
Along the way, we think we're going to be hearing from employers and from workers, and all of the multiplier effects from that, that these programs actually are working to build a long-term workforce in the north. That's how we see it all working together.