In paragraph 7 of your remarks, you talked about the importance of the environment to aboriginal peoples in the north, etc., and that it's why you studied it. You “examined whether INAC and Environment Canada had established and implemented an adequate regulatory system in the Northwest Territories”.
An important component of a regulatory system is monitoring and enforcement. I just want you to comment on that, and I want to give two examples of potential lacks here.
First of all, the government recently closed the entire Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. A lot of that monitoring in the north, the closest monitoring of climate to the North Pole, and all of the scientists are gone. So that's a reduction in monitoring.
The second point is that when the Law of the Sea extended the 100-mile limit to 200 miles, basically adding to Canada an area the size of Saskatchewan, the government, when asked in committee, said no, they had not included any monitoring ability or forces or enforcement ability, but maybe one environmental officer in Yellowknife, which, as you know, is not really close to being 100 miles offshore in the Northwest Territories. This is a theme, actually, of this government.
So do you have any comments on the lack of monitoring and enforcement and abilities and resources to do that?