Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Ms. Fraser, thank you for waiting to the end. I think that also gives you an opportunity to understand our concerns.
Mr. MacLeod, you stated that you will be tabling a report in November. That is in two weeks. I am looking at the documents that we received today and nothing leads me to believe that a report will be tabled in November. You stated that you will be tabling another report at the beginning of 2011, but you did not specify a date. This is worrisome because we do not actually have a date, and nowhere in any of the documents does it...
Ms. Fraser, you have shared your concerns, which is absolutely legitimate.
Ms. d'Auray, I know that you work very, very hard but there is nothing in what I have read today that reassures me. Nothing indicates that things are working smoothly, and that changes will be made in good time.
Can you tell me how many individuals are affected by these changes? Has a study been done? There will be changes within the public service, people are retiring. What are the age categories involved, how many people will you need to replace over the next few months and the next few years? Can we have that information? It seems to be reserved to a select few. I think that information would be of interest to the committee and the people who work here.
Why is it that we have no information, absolutely no information on the report that will be tabled in November? Where will it be tabled, how will it be tabled and what does it contain? We should already have been given some tangible information about that today but there is absolutely nothing. The month of November will be here in two weeks, unless we are talking about the month of November next year, I do not know, but we need some more clarity. I will allow you to respond.
Mr. MacLeod, I would like you to answer my question please.