Thank you, Mrs. Faille.
Obviously, we are having problems with the time granted for questions, today.
I apologize for all members; we're trying to stay within a particular timeframe and every one of us has exceeded it. It has been a little bit difficult. I know we want to get the questions answered, but I am interrupting because I want to let all of you know that we may go well beyond the time that we had allocated for this.
I think you will all agree that if we're going to elicit responses from our witnesses, we need to shorten our questions. Otherwise, they will be reflections--with all due respect--à la Mr. Kramp, who decided not to ask a question but did make his point. I'm saying that because I see the clock running away from me, and I do want to have our witnesses come to make a presentation or answer questions.
Mr. Ralston, if you would, please address Madame Faille's question in the briefest of fashions.