I want to thank all committee members not only for their intervention, but for taking the opportunity to give me--what do you call it?--a baptism by fire when making a decision that's going to keep everybody happy.
I want to tell you, colleagues, that I'd asked the clerk to review some information for me, to provide me with the Standing Orders not only for this committee but also for other committees. I wanted to look at and spend some time reading minutes, including some of the requests by Madame Faille. I wanted to make sure that I had as firm a grip on this issue as I could. I wanted to take a look as well at the request of the motion.
So after having done that, I did see, of course, as some colleagues have pointed out, that Standing Order 108(3)--I think Mr. Young read it out for everybody and he even emphasized the part that I circled--says that “Public Accounts shall include, among other matters”, so it doesn't exclude any other studies, but it does try to direct the public accounts committee in a particular direction.
To mitigate that, I went to the mandate for other standing committees, and in particular government operations and estimates, etc. Part of their mandate is of course to review and report on the effectiveness of management operations, together with operational expenditures and plans of central departments and agencies. Given that some members have pointed out that this, too, is a committee that I gather might be studying this particular issue, I noted that Public Works is neither a central department nor an agency. Clearly, that particular committee has taken a particular tack that's not necessarily the one that we would take, but it's not one that's constrained by the Standing Orders for them either.
I appreciated especially the interventions of all members, including Mr. Allen; I watched him on occasion to see what his responses were. Much of the discussion has been on the substance of what to do and some of it has been on the process and procedures. I was almost persuaded by the argument that says everybody should try to get along. I looked for a point where people might not be getting along, and I asked myself, as the presentations were coming forward, two things.
First of all, is this information something new that's being asked? Yesterday--I'll share this with colleagues who weren't at the steering committee--we raised at the steering committee the issue of one particular department that for years down the road asked to be given more time because they were still studying the feasibility of actually responding to a recommendation by this committee.
I tried to listen to where everybody was going here. I don't think there was a discussion about what to do with the information if and when we got it, so I see this as simply a request for information that the committee can digest, and then, through its steering committee or in committee of the whole, make a decision as to what to do with it.
Because I am persuaded more that this is a question of process, whereby this committee can ask for information and ought to take whatever information it needs for its studies, if and when it conducts them, because it is information that has been referred to in the past, and because it does not ask us to engage in a study, and as well, because this does not infringe upon the rights of other committees to do whatever they will because we're not engaging in a study, I think this motion is in order.