Okay, good point. Thank you very much.
Colleagues, we're going to go into the rest of the committee business, and the committee business today involves of course the witnesses that we have from various departments.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), we are studying the auditing of departmental financial statements: the main estimates 2010-11; part III, 2010-2011 report on plans and priorities; and 2008-2009 departmental performance report of the Office of the Auditor General.
We have with us today, from the Office of the Auditor General, Mr. John Wiersema, the Deputy Auditor General, and Nancy Cheng, the Assistant Auditor General.
From Treasury Board Secretariat, we have Michelle d'Auray, the secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada; Mr. James Ralston, Comptroller General of Canada; and Bill Matthews, Assistant Comptroller General.
In the audience as well we have some representatives of audit committees, or PAC committees, from I believe Manitoba, and the committee chair, Mr. Len Derkach, and the clerk, Mr. Rick Yarish.
Okay, I think we'll go directly to Mr. Wiersema, whether you have a statement or whether you'd like to just acknowledge that you're here along with Ms. Nancy Cheng.
Mr. Wiersema.