Mr. Chair, thank you for the opportunity to discuss chapter 1 of our 2010 fall report on Canada's economic action plan. With me today is Gordon Stock, the principal who is responsible for this audit.
This audit examined Canada's economic action plan as it was being launched. It focused on how programs were designed and what steps were taken to ensure that only eligible projects were approved.
The economic action plan is a significant undertaking in response to the global economic downturn in late 2008 and early 2009. The overall challenge for the government was to deliver, within a two-year timeframe, about $47 billion in federal stimulus to areas in need.
Our audit examined 11 different programs being delivered by 12 departments and agencies, most of which were related to infrastructure. We examined whether the government designed and approved the programs and selected eligible recipients in a timely manner.
As the economic action plan is ongoing, it is too early to report on whether the programs and projects are achieving their intended results. We are currently in the planning stage of a second audit of this initiative, examining whether departments and agencies monitored and reported on the progress of selected programs including whether they were implemented as intended. We expect to report on the results of our second audit in the fall of 2011.
In our first audit, we found that the central agencies and departments had designed programs and streamlined processes to allow stimulus to flow quickly. In many cases they used existing program delivery frameworks and processes. They also found ways to accelerate policy approvals and funding authorizations from the approximately six months normally required to two months.
Mr. Chair, we also examined whether the projects met the eligibility criteria established by the terms and conditions for the programs we audited. As part of our audit work, we tested 410 projects across the different programs. We found that each of these projects met the eligibility criteria based on the information that departments had received from applicants.
Given the need for speedy delivery of stimulus programs, the government accepted attestations from applicants that their projects were construction ready. We noted that a number of the projects we examined started late, which increases the risk that completion deadlines will not be met. Department officials told us that they have increased their monitoring of projects that are behind schedule. In addition, due to insufficient information being gathered, it was unclear whether some approved projects needed an environmental assessment.
Internal audit groups in departments and agencies played an important role in helping to assess risks and determining whether proper controls were in place. The Office of the Comptroller General of Canada within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provided advice and guidance to these internal audit groups. Risks were also addressed through regular monitoring by departmental audit committees and by senior officials. We found that internal audit groups provided management with timely information and adequate advisory services as well as assurance in the form of audits. We were able to rely on three internal audits and included their results in our audit.
The government met the requirement to provide Parliament with quarterly progress reports on the implementation of the economic action plan but found that it was not possible to present a complete picture of all jobs created as the project level data could not be aggregated. Instead, the Department of Finance Canada used a macro-economic estimate of jobs created or maintained as its overall measure.
The significance of $47 billion in federal spending calls for transparent reporting to Parliament on results. As the Department of Finance Canada and the Privy Council Office shared the responsibility for preparing the quarterly reports, we recommended that they prepare a summary report at the conclusion of the economic action plan showing its impact on the economy. The committee may want to ask the Department of Finance Canada and the Privy Council Office to elaborate on their plan to report on the impact of the economic action plan.
We also made a recommendation to the central agencies to conduct a lessons learned exercise. We found a number of good practices during the course of our audit, which we included in our chapter. We believe that these should be considered in the design and delivery of current and future programs and initiatives. The lessons learned should be applied where appropriate, not only to large initiatives such as this. The central agencies agreed with the recommendation, but the committee may want to ask for an action plan on how they intend to address this recommendation.
Mr. Chair, that concludes my opening statement. We will be pleased to answer any questions your committee may have. Thank you.