In fact, I would like to give the floor to Mr. Campbell, from the Office of the Auditor General.
You have heard what the departments have said regarding the report. Are there any points you would like to clarify?
A little earlier, the chair said that he would have liked to hear about such issues as the level of project preparedness in terms of their financing. In conducting the audit, you addressed the issue of insuring timeliness, complying with eligibility and legal requirements, assessing and responding to risks and reporting to Parliament.
Our researcher has sent us a letter from the Auditor General to Treasury Board. In that letter, your office sets out more specifically its expectations with regard to the upcoming audit. It would have been interesting to include that in the report in order to better appreciate the next stage, more particularly with regard to the weightier elements such as accountability, the management framework and compliance with financial legislation, namely the level of compliance with sections 32, 33 and 34 of the Financial Administration Act.
In drafting your final report, you normally would negotiate with departments. It seems to me that the answers that we heard today contained certain contradictions. I would like to know whether some of the elements in the interim reports were changed, in essence, before the final report stage.