I see a number of things. I think that Infrastructure Canada very much appreciated the fact that all of the approvals by the central agencies were expedited. They may want to comment on that. There were policy approvals and approvals through Treasury Board.
The Auditor General has that chart that shows what the normal process was and what the expedited process was. That definitely was a big deal for us. It allowed us to really push for the right timelines in terms of delivery.
The other issue is being very aware of the fact that you're under a crunch timeline and being aware of the risks involved. We put in the absolute and necessary accountability elements, stayed true to the Financial Administration Act, and made sure all the rules were followed.
It took a lot of hard work, but we had Infrastructure Canada. We worked quickly with our minister and his office in terms of making sure that the political interface with our officials was carried out effectively so that paper moved back and forth effectively, and people worked really hard.
Our minister was respectful in terms of all of our concerns around accountability. We put all of our controls in, which included me as the accounting officer and my colleague as the associate deputy. That was actually a big success factor.