Yes, I know that it's easy to get the impression of the “you and us”, so to speak, and I know that folks in the immigration offices quite often probably feel that way, to a certain degree. But the service standards need to be such that.... As was pointed out earlier, I received my citizenship in 1975. I didn't wait two years to get it. I came here as a landed immigrant. After I met the requirements and applied, my family applied.... I was a young adult when I applied, so I had to apply separately. I didn't wait two years.
You can imagine the folks who come here voluntarily, who want to come here, and who go through the process, which is in itself arduous, to meet all the compliances. They are excited about getting it done. They then feel as if they've been pushed off the table and told, “Just hang on and we'll get to you”.
I'm not suggesting that's how you intend it to be. That's the reality we see on the ground. Folks are saying, look, there's an election coming up, or they want to travel, or there's something else coming up where they need their citizenship, and they can't get it. How are you going to move that? Do you need additional funding?