Thank you very much, Chair.
Good morning to everyone.
The overall focus for me today is going to be on service delivery and customer service, and particularly on issues in my constituency office with with respect to out-of-date and misguided information provided by CIC. That was further highlighted in the report by the AG.
My staff documents numerous examples--as you've probably come across through many MPs' office--of challenges and issues they face in simply getting responses to routine updates. In fact, many of the clients you refer to cannot get simple, routine updates and they come to us. This is a common problem that we face.
In light of all these concerns we raise with you from the constituency level--many of my colleagues from all political parties have raised this with me and it is a problem across the country--why is CIC's customer service being outsourced to MPs' offices? That's the feeling we get.
There's a great sense of frustration here. Why can't the system respond to simple, routine cases and let us focus on some of the more complex cases, where we can deal with the constituent in a more effective manner and allocate resources accordingly? Could you respond to that, please?