Well, I kind of like Golden Delicious myself, Mr. Chairman.
There were probably three questions in there. As for my frustration, as the report says, this is an extremely complex set of processes, costing billions of dollars, that take place over many years.
If I had asked you to tell me, in 2000, what kinds of cellphone requirements you would have, you probably would have bought a big cellphone that would have cost you a whole lot of money. But technology changed pretty dramatically and allowed for the requirements to be delivered in a different way.
I'll turn to my colleagues with respect to the timeline, but it actually takes a little bit of time to explain 10 years' worth of process—how things change and what we had to do in the way of approval processes, whether formal, legal, or driven by Treasury Board. We can explain all of that. Does it lend itself to a 30-second answer? No, but we are here to try to explain that to members.
We have ultimately the same interest as the committee in making sure that Canadians understand that they are getting value for money from efficient and effective acquisitions and processes.
I don't know if my colleagues would like to expand on that.