Thank you, Mr. Chair, for the opportunity to present the Canada Revenue Agency's action plan to address the recommendations contained in chapter 3 of the Auditor General's November 2009 report. The chapter is entitled “Income Tax Legislation”.
As you will be aware, the audit involved both the Department of Finance and the CRA, and I am before you today to discuss the actions of the CRA.
I may also draw on the expertise of my senior official, Mr. Brian McCauley, assistant commissioner of the legislative policy and regulatory affairs branch, who is with me here.
Both my remarks today and our action plan in both official languages were provided to the Committee in advance. I will therefore keep my remarks brief.
The CRA agrees with the Auditor General's recommendations for enhancing its tools and processes, not only to better equip taxpayers and tax practitioners to comply with the Income Tax Act, but also to further develop the CRA's ability to administer the act and to analyze and validate related technical issues.
The Auditor General's first recommendation is that the CRA should create an electronic database to assist in validating, analyzing, and prioritizing technical issues that should be referred to the Department of Finance.
Because of its excellent working relationship with the Department of Finance, the CRA communicates regularly with finance officials, bringing to their attention technical issues that warrant referral.
That said, we had considered developing a database and system to improve our management of technical issues.
The observations and suggestions made during the audit process provided us with the final impetus to move forward with such a system. Consequently, we were able to move quickly, and the new electronic file management system was in place in December 2009. While we will continue to refine the system in the coming months, it is already proving its value.
Of course, systems solutions are not the complete answer to improving our analysis and management of technical issues.
As an agency, we've identified the review of our legislative recommendation process as one of our key priorities. A working group is in place, consultations within the CRA are complete, and consultations with the Department of Finance will take place later this spring.
I expect the full review to be finalized by the end of this year.
Secondly, noting the value of the CRA's advance income tax rulings service to tax practitioners and their clients, the Auditor General recommends that the CRA develop more concrete plans to meet its own target times for these rulings.
The CRA is committed to providing timely, accurate and transparent information to taxpayers.
Every year, the CRA's income tax rulings directorate provides approximately 250 advance income tax rulings, 1,200 technical interpretations to practitioners, and 1,000 technical interpretations to our auditors, and responds to over 15,000 telephone inquiries from tax practitioners, taxpayers, and CRA auditors.
We are confident that our advance income tax rulings service is appreciated, as it gives tax practitioners certainty about a client's proposed business transaction.
In response to the Auditor General's recommendations, the agency is formally evaluating turnaround times and trends with respect to these rulings. We need to ensure that our service standards adequately reflect the time that we require to make a decision, given the increased complexity of the cases and their importance both to the taxpayer involved and to government. We expect that our study will be completed this year.
Finally, the Auditor General reviewed our income tax interpretation bulletins and concluded that the CRA should revise the paragraphs that contain information that is no longer accurate.
Since the introduction of these bulletins in the early 1970s, the agency has significantly expanded both the quantity of technical guidance we provide and the means by which we make it available. Today, we provide more information to more users in a more timely fashion than we could have ever contemplated back in 1970.
Just consider the accessibility and transparency that the thousands of pages of information available on our website now provide to Canadians. None of this information was so readily available and easily accessible in the 1970s. Of course, we also provide up-to-date technical information in a variety of other mediums, including pamphlets, guides, tax return packages, technical opinions, and conference responses.
As we indicate in our response to the Auditor General's recommendations, we want to take the time to consult practitioners and other users as to the value and the utility of income tax interpretation bulletins. Their input will help us determine whether there are more efficient ways in which we could deliver the same quality of information to them.
We thank the Auditor General for her report and its recommendations. We are confident that our action plan will help to ensure that the CRA has well-managed processes in place to identify and develop technical amendments and to provide taxpayers and practitioners with timely and accurate information.
Thank you again, Mr. Chairman, for providing the opportunity to present our action plan to the Committee.