Colleagues, it looks like we have quorum.
This is meeting number 43 of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(g), and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, December 9, 2010, we are looking at the report of the Auditor General of Canada on the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada.
We had invited, as an individual, Madame Christiane Ouimet, former commissioner, Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada. We obviously don't have her here.
I want to provide the committee members with an update on this matter, and then we can begin discussion, if you will. Okay?
Pursuant to that order to have Madame Ouimet appear here, on December 10 the clerk telephoned Madame Ouimet's residence, spoke to a woman who indicated that Madame Ouimet was not there, and the clerk left a message.
On December 13, the clerk once again called the residence, and this time left a voice mail.
On December 14, in a committee meeting, the decision was made by the committee to schedule another meeting for February 1 in order to invite the former commissioner to the meeting—and, I might add, to be firm about it—and to write the commissioner accordingly.
That letter was signed by the chair on your behalf on December 16, and was sent by registered mail to the residence of Madame Ouimet.
On December 17, Canada Post attempted delivery of that registered letter. A notice card was left, indicating where the item could be picked up. That registered letter was returned by the post office on January 28—that's last month—and it was received at the House of Commons committee directorate on February 3.
On January 12, the clerk once again left a voice mail at Madame Ouimet's residence. She did that, as you recall, because we put in the letter a date by which we had expected confirmation from Madame Ouimet that she would attend. It was roughly a 30-day notice period.
On February 1, this committee made the decision to summon the former commissioner before the committee.
On February 2, the bailiff attended at her residence to serve a summons. There was a verbal report from the bailiff that he attempted to serve unsuccessfully, but spoke to a woman who identified herself as Madame Ouimet's niece. She indicated that Madame Ouimet was out of the country.
We received an affidavit attesting to this on February 3.
On February 4, the bailiff attended the residence to ascertain the identity of the individual who actually answered the door, and to request a forwarding address, or coordinates, for Madame Ouimet. The bailiff said that there was no response at the door, and left a business card.
On February 7—that would be yesterday—at 7 p.m., the bailiff again attended the residence to ascertain the identity of the individual who purported to be Madame Ouimet's niece and to gain contact information.
This morning at 9:54, we received a verbal report from the bailiff that there was no response at the door on February 7 and that he was going to provide a written report by e-mail, which we received at about 1:25 this afternoon.
Very briefly, it said there was no response at the door at 7 p.m., but the business card that had been left there on February 4 was gone.
So, colleagues, that's the update.
Mr. Christopherson.