It's a cute little performance.
I've got to tell you, Commissioner, that I hear what you're saying; you mouth the words, but then the deputy, who has to make things happen....
I've got to tell you, sir, I take your words and previous answers.... That's why we've called you in. I could set it to music. It's like dancing. I've got to tell you, right up front, what this looks like: the whole world is saying this ought to be done but there's a block somewhere.
I mean, even the commissioner is now telling us he thinks it should be done. So I don't know where the block is.
Is it you, Deputy, refusing to act on all of these good ideas? You keep saying we need to look at it more and study it more. I'm sorry, sir, it sounds like you're just delaying, delaying, delaying.
All the evidence is there. I don't understand what it has to do with labour negotiations, or negotiations with the provinces. We're talking about a macro overview board. You can still have a provincial version of that to deal with the contracts, if you wish.
I'd like to hear an answer as to how we should accept your words today as anything other than a big song and dance that's meant to delay things and basically to leave the status quo in place.
Convince me I'm wrong--please.