Thank you, Chair.
First, I'd like to ask if the analysts, in preparation for when we're report-writing, would be good enough to give us a briefing note on the issue that the deputy has raised. In his remarks, he said, “I would note that any decision on RCMP governance is a Machinery”--that's with a capital--“issue that ultimately remains the prerogative of the Prime Minister”. Could they delve into that for us and give us a bit of a legal briefing as to what exactly...?
I'm not questioning your veracity, sir. I just want to understand. Is that the only way? What does that mean exactly? What are our alternatives? That's what I'm looking for.
Here's where I'm having some difficulty. So far, virtually everyone who has touched this, whether it's us as parliamentarians, independent investigators, councils, task forces...all have unanimously said, including the commissioner of the RCMP--and if I'm putting words in your mouth, Commissioner, please correct me, and I know you will--that a third party oversight body is something that would be good for the RCMP and we ought to do it. If we're at that point, then that kind of leaves you, sir, sitting there somewhat isolated, in my eyes.
I want to understand. What is it that you need that you don't have today to make this a reality? Is it a direction from the minister and/or a direction from the Prime Minister? Is there something else? What exactly, sir, do you not have right now that you need in order to create this? What are the impediments to your getting that directive? What's stopping it?
We seem to get to you, deputy, and up till then everybody is on side, and then the support just falls off. I'm wondering, what would it take for you as a deputy to be given the direction to do this?