In designing that piece of legislation, as you can imagine, a lot of work went into it. The government looked at complaints bodies that dealt with policing in Canada and abroad. Input was far-reaching to identify what the best ingredients were for such a commission. I believe that has been built into the legislation.
I think it is a very fulsome set of authorities that the new complaints commission will have. It goes far beyond the existing body in terms of the ability to compel testimony or to call witnesses. It can initiate policy reviews, which the current commission cannot undertake. It does not simply need to react to a complaint.
It can work in tandem with provincial and territorial complaints commissions as well. There's an efficiency there; as we've seen in the past, there are sometimes several reviews going on. One is handled provincially or territorially, one is handled federally, and there may be another one on top of that. So I think this is a good design that will generate, once it is enacted, a very strong and performing commission for public complaints.