Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to join you today to talk about chapter 5 of the 2009 fall report of the Auditor General.
As you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, I have here with me today Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie, chief of the land staff, and Dan Ross, assistant deputy minister, materiel.
The Department of National Defence welcomes and accepts all recommendations identified in chapter 5.
Before I discuss the specifics of the audit and the response of the Department of National Defence, I believe it is important to remind ourselves of the context within which this audit was undertaken and completed.
The audit considered four of a much larger number of projects that were under way during the time period to address complex soldier survivability challenges. These particular four have all now been successfully delivered. The four projects were approved between October 2005 and April 2007. Over that period we lost 48 men and women in Afghanistan. It was the first time since the Korean conflict that the Canadian Forces were fighting a full-scale war. It was a very intense and constantly evolving war.
In Kandahar province our troops were asked to secure complex, dangerous terrain equivalent in size to the province of Nova Scotia. They were facing a very determined enemy, an insurgency that was both adaptive and elusive. The enemy threat became more deadly, from bicycle- and car-borne suicide bombers to progressively larger, more powerful, and more complex improvised explosive devices buried in the roads and culverts that our military vehicles passed over. The tactics were changed, operations and intelligence evolved, and the military adapted, but we realized we needed to do more. We appreciate the fact that the Auditor General understood this context and took it into consideration when carrying out this audit.
Commanders in theatre and senior leaders at National Defence headquarters recognized the urgency of providing better equipment, specially armoured vehicles, to protect Canadian soldiers on the ground. The army evaluated the options and made recommendations about which capabilities were required to meet the different threats faced in Afghanistan. Once a potential solution was identified, our department worked effectively, efficiently, and quickly with our partners in other departments on the procurement of the vehicles.
The timeliness of these life-saving acquisitions would not have been possible without the understanding, collaboration, and commitment of public servants in the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat. We all worked together to expedite procurement processes, and we all understood that Canadian lives were at stake.
Collectively we moved forward as quickly as we could, recognizing that our approach entailed some judgments around certain kinds of risks. It involved a multitude of stakeholders, and there were clearly some communication challenges in quickly pulling together the right information for decision-making purposes. But we assumed the risks of working this way because the risks to our troops in delay or non-action were far greater. However, we never looked at the urgency as a licence to be sloppy in our processes. We never looked at the urgency as a reason to withhold information.
All four types of vehicles were urgently needed. They are all now fully in service. They have saved many lives and contributed to the success of our operations in the field. General Leslie, I'm sure, would be happy to answer questions on those issues. They provide capabilities our forces will use in future operations.
As the Auditor General stated in her chapter, each of the four acquisitions was managed in accordance with all Treasury Board policies, guidelines, and practices. The two contracting processes that were included in the audit were found to be in compliance with applicable contracting policies and completed in a timely manner. But that is not to say that improvements cannot be made.
As I stated earlier, the Department of National Defence accepts the Auditor General's recommendations. We are actively looking at our internal processes and policies to ensure we are better prepared to handle situations like this in the future.
We have provided you with a detailed action plan setting out how we are addressing each of the recommendations included in chapter 5 of the Auditor General's report. National Defence is seized with the challenge of implementing this plan. The action plan includes steps to strengthen the decision-making process for urgent requirements,
measures to enhance the already close collaboration between National Defence and Public Works as well as our other government departmental partners, and processes to ensure training requirements are firmly integrated into acquisition decisions.
We have already made good progress on a number of fronts. And, as the Auditor General has suggested, we are seeing how we can apply the lessons learned—not only to urgent acquisitions—but to regular acquisitions as well.
Mr. Chairman, just let me conclude by stating that the Auditor General's report is very much assisting us in improving how we manage the defence program, and particularly the procurement process. We take our responsibilities and accountabilities as stewards of public funds extremely seriously.
We also take seriously our responsibility to ensure that the Canadian Forces are ready when called upon to protect Canadians and their interests.
Thank you. I look forward to your questions.