Yes, I think two weeks would be fine.
I would just like to clarify precisely what is being asked for. The member has asked for an understanding or an explanation of how the decision was actually made and what went into it. It's not clear to me that there's a briefing note that actually explains it and says, “We have decided that we need this equipment, Mr. Minister, and please decide”.
My understanding of what the member was asking for was an explanation of how we go through this process, from the time an issue is identified to how it works its way through the department, to how it works through the ADM Materiel, and finally, to how the minister is kept informed. I would suggest there's not a single moment when the minister gets a briefing note that says, “Please approve this”. There is a dialogue that goes on over a period of time, and the minister is informed throughout that whole period of time.
In two weeks we could probably put together a decent explanation of how a scenario would work.