Thank you for those questions.
Let me just quickly begin with Haiti, and the general may want to make a comment on this. It's a very different kind of operation. Arguably, we were stood in very good stead by virtue of the procurements that had been made earlier in the decade, particularly the strategic lift aircraft that we had available, but also the ability of the Canadian Forces to deploy literally in a matter of hours. Within about 16 hours—and you probably know the numbers directly—we had Hercules tactical airlift in the air, on the way to Haiti. We had two ships in the water within days. You know those statistics. It wasn't so much that there were lessons learned about the procurement process around Haiti, in my view, although there were lessons absolutely learned around whole of government and how we work together to deal with humanitarian disasters or disaster relief, for sure.
My other colleagues may want to say something about that.
On the first question of the model being fully implemented by March 31--the action plan that we sent to the chairman and to the committee members through the chairman yesterday, I believe--the original recommendation was to have the lessons learned fully examined around the OR issue. We had hoped to have had that done by March 31. Tomorrow is March 31. We are now looking at a completion date in the revised plan, which has been tabled with you--April 30--to have that kind of review totally done. But in order to complete the review cycle and renewal of our project approval guide, we are looking still at about two years out to have that completely done.
Dan, I don't know if you want to say anything about the interim side of that process.