Thank you very much, Chair, and thank you all for your attendance today.
And, Mr. Flageole, congratulations on reaching the finish line. You certainly have been a prime example of the professionalism that comes out of the Auditor General's office. I'm getting worried. We haven't even got to the AG yet and we're losing all these great people. I hope there's a lot of concentrated effort to scouring the planet, trying to find somebody who can replace you and everyone else who's leaving this crucial department. I wish you the best of luck, Richard, and thank you for your contribution to our work and to the betterment of making this a better place to live. Thank you so much.
I want to move now to Mr. Yeates' opening comments. If I can, on page one, you said “It”--meaning the backlog--“now stands at less than 400,000 persons, a reduction of almost 40 percent from its peak of 641,000.” I would point out this still leaves you about where we were ten years ago; it was over 300,000; we're around that now, so it's good we're getting there, but your big achievement is we're now only ten years behind. To continue the quote:
Including the applications we received since the changes took effect, the number of applicants awaiting a decision is down 18 percent. Of the final decisions rendered since the Instructions took effect in November 2008, 80 percent have been completed in an average of seven months. This is compared to wait times of up to six years before the changes.
So one would be led to believe that once the instructions came along, things got significantly better. However, the Auditor General, in her statement this morning said:
In December 2008, more than 620,000 people had been waiting an average of 63 months for a decision on whether they would be granted permanent residency or not. Measures introduced through ministerial instructions in 2008 to limit the number of new applications--for example, processing only those that meet new or narrowly defined criteria--were not based on sufficient analysis of their potential effects.
These are the wonderful instructions that you're bragging about.
While it was too early to assess the full impact of these measures, trends in the number of new applications received between January and June 2009 indicated that the measures might not have the desired effect.
First of all, Auditor General, would you again explain, in other words, what your concern is about this? And then obviously, Deputy, I'm going to ask you to respond.